So tomorrow starts Production and Performance week for The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe! Get your tickets for this great show in our new space May 26th, 27th, 28th, and 29th by calling 651-336-3302.
We have been so busy preparing the space: curtains, risers, chairs, painting, decorating and on and on... The work just doesn't seem to end for my dear husband who is thee HARDEST worker I have ever known. He stays up often until 4:00/5:00/6:00am and wakes a few hours later to keep working. 2-3 hrs of sleep per night is insane!! Sometimes he will even pull that all nighter thing and just restart a day without really ending the other. Where I say, 'I can't go on I have to go to bed,' he says 'ok, you can go to bed' while he plows on ahead. I don't know how he does it but he is amazing! He is doing the work of two full time employees and he somehow has been doing this for 8yrs. It really does blow my mind. He sacrifices so much for our family and this work and I am so grateful. While I go to my beloved book club or out for a 6 mile run with a friend he stays home and works, works, and works some more. Now all this work is not to be compared with workaholic. Jeremy loves taking a break and he knows how to let lose and have a great time. Anyone who really knows Jeremy knows that he is one of the most delightful and fun people there is to be around.Trust me, I know! Its just that he is so often forced into not getting to take a break due to the overwhelming work load.
I often thank God that we work together so that I can share in Jeremy's life so deeply and not feel out of the loop. I wonder sometimes what it must be like to not share in the daily grind with my husband. What would it be like to have just one of those normal lives? Where you can actually take a weekend for what it is - a break from work... Or, imagine this, coming home to a home and not your work place with duties and work needs staring you in the face. I really think the grass always looks greener on the other side and that if Jeremy and I didn't work together that I would miss him terribly and I would miss sharing in his work and passion. I'll take the good with the bad the pros with the cons and enjoy the green grass on my side of the fence.
Keeping it real,
"Raising Souls"
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Augustine Driving a Car in Menards
We had to go to Menards to pick up some stuff for work and Augustine got to come along... who knew Menards could be so much fun!
Between Driving the shopping cart...
Aren't we a pair? The car cart is pretty sweet but it also was very loud and we got a lot of looks and "can I help you?" I didn't care though. If baby is happy - Mama is happy too!
Then onto their indoor play land of parks and swings!...
Not to mention the lovely roses we were able to smell and admire in the garden center...
Sorry no picture... Augustine + Prickly Rose Bushes + Camera = not going to happen.
Yes this blog has quite the mix of big news and daily mundane. Although, I have to say, it all blends into one wonderful, joyful, blessed, and beautiful life!
Between Driving the shopping cart...
Aren't we a pair? The car cart is pretty sweet but it also was very loud and we got a lot of looks and "can I help you?" I didn't care though. If baby is happy - Mama is happy too!
Then onto their indoor play land of parks and swings!...
Sorry no picture... Augustine + Prickly Rose Bushes + Camera = not going to happen.
Yes this blog has quite the mix of big news and daily mundane. Although, I have to say, it all blends into one wonderful, joyful, blessed, and beautiful life!
Monday, May 16, 2011
13 months and WALKING!
Hurray! Augustine has taken his first steps as many as 3 at a time. Now, that may not be walking fully but its well on its way and I'm pumped! It happened at a rather uneventful time in the first week of May. Jeremy and I were sitting at the bar table working on our laptops when out of the corner of my eye I saw Augustine step away from the coffee table where he had been contentedly popping peas. I said to Jeremy, 'look he's walking!' as he took a second and a third step before plopping down to the ground bewildered at our apparent surprise and excitement. He really seemed rather confused and not even aware of what he had just done. Even now, no coaxing required, just some great distraction and he forgets he is not holding on and - walla!
In other news he is also beginning to more naturally use my favorite words --- "Mommy, Mamma, Maaa, Mommm!" It's been kind of long and slow in coming and it makes me appreciate it even more! He also really enjoys saying "ba - ba- ba- ba-..." as an animal sound.
His best and most effective pain killer can not be found at your local drug store. It is not a frozen treat or orajel. It is -- the park. If only we lived at the park and I could have a desk and laptop with me while Augustine sat peacefully staring at other kids and playing with small stones, sticks, and bits of grass all the while day dreaming his pain away. Wow, how my fantasies have changed.
So that's the update on the precious toddling cutie pie!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
When God closes a door He OPENS a WINDOW
Yes God has certainly Opened a Window for us!

Jeremy and I have been praying for a couple years about whether God would want us (Epiphany) to get our own local space. The dream was big, the shot was long. Can we really use the arts locally as a huge positive force in our local culture? Everyone wants our culture to change... what are we all doing about it? Could this be our next step in transforming our culture in a positive way? This space would provide us to produce high quality, positive, family friendly shows. We would have a home to host original and classic works that all fit within our mission. To educate, entertain and inspire! Besides all that I would now have a home for my own Dance Studio ECHO DANCE!
I have been a Ballroom dance instructor for years but without a home to host my classes. Not only could my Ballroom Dancing Classes and Dances mesh with the mission of Open Window but it would provide an additional source of revenue for this work helping to provide more financial stability.
Could Epiphany afford to take such a big leap of faith? Did we really have the local support it appeared we had? If we jump would we fall? Would we fail?? I guess that's where the whole 'leap of faith' thing comes in. Despite our concerns it seemed that God continued to open the door (or window in this case) towards Epiphany getting its own space.
And so despite many fervent prayers for God to close the door, if it was His will, He saw fit to give us this new space, birthed right out of Divine Mercy Sunday and our Patron Pope John Paul II's Beatification day as well as our 2 year anniversary! The lease was signed on a 24 hr deadline notice (someone else almost snatched the space right from under our noses) at 3pm (the hour of mercy) Monday May 2nd. There were so many beautiful signs from God that this is what he was providing for us. And although it was still a leap of faith for us both we felt strongly that this was God knocking on our hearts to sacrifice more and to continue this work.
And so with all that said I'm including a link for you to check out THE OPEN WINDOW THEATRE and its mission as well as details on the upcoming performances of our Catholic Youth Theatre production of THE LION THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE featuring Jeremy Stanbary, my dear and talented husband, as Aslan the Lion! May 26th, 27th, 28th, and 29th at 7:00pm and May 29th at 2:00pm
More info to come but I just want to thank God for making this a reality and for providing for us and blessing us beyond what we deserve!

Jeremy and I have been praying for a couple years about whether God would want us (Epiphany) to get our own local space. The dream was big, the shot was long. Can we really use the arts locally as a huge positive force in our local culture? Everyone wants our culture to change... what are we all doing about it? Could this be our next step in transforming our culture in a positive way? This space would provide us to produce high quality, positive, family friendly shows. We would have a home to host original and classic works that all fit within our mission. To educate, entertain and inspire! Besides all that I would now have a home for my own Dance Studio ECHO DANCE!
I have been a Ballroom dance instructor for years but without a home to host my classes. Not only could my Ballroom Dancing Classes and Dances mesh with the mission of Open Window but it would provide an additional source of revenue for this work helping to provide more financial stability.
Could Epiphany afford to take such a big leap of faith? Did we really have the local support it appeared we had? If we jump would we fall? Would we fail?? I guess that's where the whole 'leap of faith' thing comes in. Despite our concerns it seemed that God continued to open the door (or window in this case) towards Epiphany getting its own space.
And so despite many fervent prayers for God to close the door, if it was His will, He saw fit to give us this new space, birthed right out of Divine Mercy Sunday and our Patron Pope John Paul II's Beatification day as well as our 2 year anniversary! The lease was signed on a 24 hr deadline notice (someone else almost snatched the space right from under our noses) at 3pm (the hour of mercy) Monday May 2nd. There were so many beautiful signs from God that this is what he was providing for us. And although it was still a leap of faith for us both we felt strongly that this was God knocking on our hearts to sacrifice more and to continue this work.

Also, I have to throw in a pitch for my Ballroom Dance Classes and Dances! The first Ballroom Dance Social will be on May 20th at 7pm. It WILL include a a free Ballroom Dance lesson for those who are interested and will be a fun social atmosphere to gather with friends, dance and chat! I hope you can come and make this your home to Social Ballroom Dancing in the Twin Cities. Also, I will be hosting two sessions of Ballroom Dance classes this summer... Let me know if you would like me to send you the registration form and more details. Dates below...
Summer Session 1: Monday nights: June 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th
Summer Session 2: Monday nights: July 25th, Aug. 1st, 8th, & 15th
Sessions Available:
· 5:30-6:20pm….Youth Ballroom (ages 12yrs-17yrs)
· 6:30-7:20pm….Ballroom-1 (All ages)
· 7:30-8:20pm….Ballroom-2 (Must have some previous Ballroom Dance experience)
· 8:20-9:00pm….Ballroom-3 (Must have a moderate knowledge/skill of Ballroom Dance)
More info to come but I just want to thank God for making this a reality and for providing for us and blessing us beyond what we deserve!
Monday, May 2, 2011
We celebrate 2 years of Marriage!
"I, Sarah, take you, Jeremy, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to honor; from this day forward until death do us part." - Feast of St. Joseph the Worker May 1st, 2009
Jeremy and I have been blessed to have now been married 2 full years. These two years we have been blessed with love, a home, a child, and hope and joy for the future!
I am no expert on marriage but I have to say it doesn't take long to realize what marriage is REALLY about. Sacrifice. Yep, sacrifice, its often not pretty and although it sounds romantic it rarely is. With that said I LOVE being married and I love Jeremy far more and far deeper than I could have imagined. True love is selfless and although being selfless is often very very hard it is very very rewarding in the end.
"The best things in life are worth working for." It's true.
I could go on and on about the things I love about Jeremy but I'll stick with a few that blessed me on our Anniversary Day specifically.
Jeremy and I love our faith and the role it has in our lives and we enjoyed the day as we did our wedding day. Spending time in confession, prayer, mass, and joy to share this special day with Blessed Pope John Paul the Great...
...and Divine Mercy Sunday
Jeremy is also tremendously good at planning surprises for me and this day was no different! After having a delicious breakfast of a fruit tart he had bought for us...
...he mentioned a leak he had noticed in our basement. Oh, dear, a leak. Not good. I was only a few steps into our basement when I noticed a huge chest freezer he had bought me!!!! I have been wanting a chest freezer for at least a year and I often mentioned how much I would love one. He secretly researched it, bought it, carried it to the basement himself, and pulled off the surprise with ease. He is good and I jumped for joy at this surprise! Yipppeee!
To finish the wonderful day we enjoyed an amazing candle light steak dinner cooked by my dear sweet husband.
Then we watched 007 Casino Royal in our very own homemade movie theatre drinking wine to the glow of candles and blazing guns. A perfect day. It was so anointed and grace filled.
I love you Jeremy my best friend, my life partner, and my hearts love and laughter!
Jeremy and I have been blessed to have now been married 2 full years. These two years we have been blessed with love, a home, a child, and hope and joy for the future!
I am no expert on marriage but I have to say it doesn't take long to realize what marriage is REALLY about. Sacrifice. Yep, sacrifice, its often not pretty and although it sounds romantic it rarely is. With that said I LOVE being married and I love Jeremy far more and far deeper than I could have imagined. True love is selfless and although being selfless is often very very hard it is very very rewarding in the end.
"The best things in life are worth working for." It's true.
I could go on and on about the things I love about Jeremy but I'll stick with a few that blessed me on our Anniversary Day specifically.
Jeremy and I love our faith and the role it has in our lives and we enjoyed the day as we did our wedding day. Spending time in confession, prayer, mass, and joy to share this special day with Blessed Pope John Paul the Great...
...and Divine Mercy Sunday
Jeremy is also tremendously good at planning surprises for me and this day was no different! After having a delicious breakfast of a fruit tart he had bought for us...
...he mentioned a leak he had noticed in our basement. Oh, dear, a leak. Not good. I was only a few steps into our basement when I noticed a huge chest freezer he had bought me!!!! I have been wanting a chest freezer for at least a year and I often mentioned how much I would love one. He secretly researched it, bought it, carried it to the basement himself, and pulled off the surprise with ease. He is good and I jumped for joy at this surprise! Yipppeee!
To finish the wonderful day we enjoyed an amazing candle light steak dinner cooked by my dear sweet husband.
Then we watched 007 Casino Royal in our very own homemade movie theatre drinking wine to the glow of candles and blazing guns. A perfect day. It was so anointed and grace filled.
I love you Jeremy my best friend, my life partner, and my hearts love and laughter!
Easter Joy!
Christ is Risen and let us celebrate!
I bought Augustine a plastic Easter basket and eggs for a fun little Easter egg hunt with Augustine. I filled the bright colorful eggs with a raisin each and watched him squeal with delight as I hid them and he followed. He loved plucking the raisin out and I loved that he was eating a healthy snack and thoroughly enjoying the hunt! I tried it with bread instead of raisins the next day and he enjoyed it just as much!
It was a great trip with lots of great family time in WI!
Happy Easter everyone!
First what's Easter without a little snow - 8in of snow for that matter!
Jeremy and Aidan built snowmen, a fort, and a very cool chair.
Augustine bundled up for a stroller ride.
Augustine loves his big brother Aidan!
Augustine loves his big brother Aidan!
A little play area at the local coffee shop in WI that we love to frequent.
Doesn't he look cute in his little chair and table?
All dressed up for the Easter Vigil.
Augustine enjoyed a small part of it from inside the church and most of it
from the front entrance wearing out the knees of his suit pants, while Jeremy and I played tag team.
I bought Augustine a plastic Easter basket and eggs for a fun little Easter egg hunt with Augustine. I filled the bright colorful eggs with a raisin each and watched him squeal with delight as I hid them and he followed. He loved plucking the raisin out and I loved that he was eating a healthy snack and thoroughly enjoying the hunt! I tried it with bread instead of raisins the next day and he enjoyed it just as much!
Aidan reading books to the two cousins - Mark and Augustine.
and then the loooooong ride to drop Aidan off in Chicago and get us back to the Twin Cities...
"Get me out of here!!! I'm just a baby!"
Finally Jeremy and I longingly wish we were babies sleeping sweetly.
Happy Easter everyone!
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