Some people have wondered how I feed my family of five on $65... Sometimes I wonder too! We are BIG eaters in this house and did I mention we love food?
I mentioned several of my tips already but here is an example meal plan for this week.
I think one thing that stands out is only buying perishables that I can use and will not waste. If I do stock up on something and can't use it. I find a way to freeze it.
Also I do stock up on stuff when it hits rock bottom prices...
For example last week I stocked up on bell peppers (not organic) 5 for $0.99! I bought 7 bags of 5... I couldn't resist. I made a huge pot of beans and started freezing beans and chopped peppers and onions for Chili and soup. As you will see from the following menu I will be making use of those YUMMY peppers. My kids and I love bell peppers (especially the red ones!)
Menu 10/19-10/25 * I actually won't make these meals in this order, I'm to spontaneous for such things.
Sunday (today) : Baked French Toast and Chili with (greek yogurt) sour cream, cheese, and organic corn chips
Monday: Organic Potato/Zuchini Latkes w/Homemade Organic Greek Yogurt, Pork Tenderloin and Broccoli
Tuesday: Crock Pot Stuffed Bell Peppers
Wednesday: Fajitas with Whole Wheat Tortilla Shells (I got these on clearance at Target last week)
Thursday: Frozen Pizza and Spinach Salad
Friday: Tuna Sandwiches, Chips, Carrots and Apples
Saturday: Saute Pasta
*Desserts*: Apple Crisp and Ice Cream, OJ/Whey/Spinach Julius, Frozen Blueberries
*Breakfast*: Homemade Organic Yogurt, Cereal, Butter Toast, Eggs, PBJs and Homemade Canned Apple Sauce
*Lunches*: Leftovers, PBJs, Veggies and Fruit
*Snacks*: Carrots, Apples and Peanut Butter, Frozen Peas, Cereal, Butter Toast, Peppers and Bananas
I actually made the most of the amazing gorgeous fall day and walked a mile to our local Trader Joes. I love that store! People are SO friendly and happy there. I got so many smiles from people ooing over Becket. He happily smiled back. Maybe people are so happy because they were sampling pumpkin cheesecake and spiced cider... oh, wow, YUMM! Did I mention that I love that store and that organic avacados were only $0,99? Booya! (As a side note, I normally buy their organic chicken but the breast is SO expensive and I thought I'd try the antibiotic free stuff. I normally don't buy the breast but I've been craving that fried white meat and its been almost three months so that was my splurge this week. It still was pretty pricey.)

Last Week I was in WI with my family and got loads of free apples, bread, eggs, cereal, peanut butter and milk. I also bought Broccoli on sale for 69cents a bag at the local grocery store and local raw honey for super cheap from my parents neighbor. I also stocked up 2 weeks ago with buy one get one free (aprox $0.65 each) 100% whole wheat bread from Aldi as well as frozen peas (it's all happy in my freezer). I'm also stocked from a recent trip to Costco (3 or so weeks ago) on Organic Brown Rice, Organic Quinoa, Real Maple Syrup and Organic Strawberry Jelly.
Wednesday I will make my Aldi trip. I have a shopping list but I will probably add more items to stock up on stuff.
This is my temporary list: $17
Frozen Pizza x2 (I take the pepperoni off of it and dice it up in my saute pasta later in the week) $4
Frozen OJ $1.50
Bananas $2
Tuna $2.50
Saltines x3 $3.00 (I buy these for my husband who really needs them for soup, while I think they are yummy... they have practically no nutritional value. Oh well.)
Marinated Pork Tenderloin (It looks to be on sale and will be a fun meat treat!) $4
Trader Joes:$21
Aldi: $17 (aprox)
Total: $38.00
...Some weeks I spend a little more and some less but I budget by the month so it all evens out each month. However, I'm now regretting my total self control in Trader Joes. Perhaps I'll have to go back. ;-)
I will update my Aldi list when I go Wednesday I always find something extra I need (or want).
Until then happy savings!