"The best gift you can give your child is a sibling"
This has been one of the most precious things for me to see as a parent. Augustine loves his little sister as I would imagine and hope that every big brother would. There is something sweet and mature about his love for Gianna and I can just imagine him being that awesome big brother that sticks up for his sister, enjoys a friendship with her and all the while threatens her prospective boy friends with, "Hurt her and you will hurt." You know the big brother stuff. :-)
I will forever remember Augustine bounding into the hospital room with exuberant energy and joy excited to see me and his eyes lit up when he saw - "Baby Gianna!"
He so tenderly kissed and hugged her and pointed to her "eyes" and "nose" and "mouth."
This picture melts my heart...
He so sweetly gazes at her as if it is love at first sight just like it was for me. He hated to leave without Mommy and Baby and Gianna when it was time to go... and it was hard for me to see my, now old, little baby say goodbye. How does it work to love two little beings so fully and so differently? To say goodbye to the days when Augustine was my only baby to cuddle ...
...and to greet the days when my arms would long to hold both my children for hours... all the while staring down those dreaded dirty dishes and unswept floors that threatened to take my arms away from what they really wanted. The love grows but so do the chores... the diapers, the dirt, the mess, the clothes. I only loath them for the reason they take me from my babies.
The first day home with Gianna Augustine was overtired and threw lots of tantrums because he wanted to hold, "my baby" all the time. He was loving but it was exhausting. Since then he has calmed down a bit but still cries for her at bedtime when they are separated and asks for her immediately when he wakes from nap or bedtime.
When I try to have time just for me and Augustine, he begs for Gianna to join us. He wants to share his toys, books, and time with her. That touches my heart so very much!
When Gianna cries he will usually stop what he is doing and calmly go straight to her to give her a gentle kiss on the head... he then goes back to playing. He loves to do Tummy Time with her and he will even wipe her spit-up away unprompted. One day we were watching Sesame Street together while I nursed Gianna. Well, Augustine watched Elmo... I watched my precious gifts. Augustine turned from his show and gazed at Gianna sweetly and patted her on the head.... and back to watching his show. This moment replays in my mind often... it was as if he wants to assure his little sister, "I'm here for you, I love you." Am I reading too far into the mind of a two year old? Not with moments like these. They are two peas in a pod and I am one proud gardener.
Oh that your love for each other will grow. I pray you always find a friend in each other, that you protect and love each other and that... Gianna's little head doesn't get trampled by your eager feet.