AUGUSTINE - "Great and Magnificent"
To My Dear Augustine,You are two years old on your Golden Birthday and I thank God every day what a blessing you have been to me! I treasure your little person so much, your personality is sweet and uninhibited and you have incredible energy. You truly light up my day and have given me the most wonderful job I could ever desire or imagine. To be your mother is a phenomenal gift you have given to me and I truly love the honor of loving you with all my heart in the most selfless way a person can love.
Your birthday was special and very memorable as you woke up determined to use the potty. "Augus poopy in the potty" you said over and over and over and over as you rode on your new rocking horsey chair. Finally I set you on the toilet and you asked for books to read. Clearly expecting to be in it for the long haul. (You have asked to sit on the potty many times before but never with this much determination, effort, and resolve.) Sure enough, you went potty on the toilet for the first time ever... on your birthday. Nothing like punctuating the day!
I stayed up late the night before making these cupcakes of your favorite "dessert character" - Cookie Monster.
Just knowing your love for cookie monster, I knew you would freak out at the sight of them. Your reaction was more in awe as it was set before you and it made my every effort worth it! I melted white chocolate and shaped them into eyes using chocolate chips. You are your mother's son and was only interested in eating the cookie mouth and the chocolate eyes. You didn't show interest in the actual cupcake.
Your Grandma Risa and cousins Nathan and Andy came over to celebrate with you by sharing pizza, gifts and cake! You love your "Gamma Sisa, Na Na, and Annie." I spent more time just enjoying you and the day rather than taking pictures, but the images of your sweet smiling messy pizza face will be ingrained in my mind.
One of your favorite gifts was a bubble gun - YOU love bubbles and I have to hide it from your sight or you would want bubbles day and night! You were such a good boy and even said "Thank You" (when prompted) for your gifts.
The day finished with the grand finale...
The long awaited viewing of -- THE LION KING on the big screen and -- POPCORN! You were SO adorable and you jumped off the couch at all the songs so you could sing (quite well actually) and dance along. I hardly watched the movie as I couldn't take my eyes off of you.
Two years seem so long since I feel like I've had you to treasure for so long and yet... it seems so short when I remember bringing you home from the hospital. I was changed forever. I've heard it said that that a mother lives her life with her heart walking around outside her body. I know that feeling, oh, so well. I know the rest of my days my heart will be wrapped around your little preciousness and not inside my own body. I pray everyday for God's greatest protection and blessings on you. I offer your life and my love of your life to Him as you are truly gift. A gift I treasure so deeply and enjoy so thoroughly!
Happy Birthday my Golden Boy!!